Company Overview
Millsian, Inc. is dedicated to developing the molecular modeling applications of The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics (GUT-CP), solving atomic and molecular structures by applying the classical laws of physics (Newton’s and Maxwell’s Laws) to the atomic scale.
The functional groups of all major classes of chemical bonding, including those involved in most organic molecules, have been solved exactly in closed-form solutions. By using these functional groups as building blocks, or independent units, a potentially infinite number of molecules can be solved. As a result, Millsian software can visualize the exact three-dimensional structure and calculate physical characteristics of almost any molecule of any length and complexity. While previous software based on traditional quantum methods resorted to approximations and required super computers for even simple systems, Millsian software requires no special expertise to solve complex proteins and DNA on a personal computer.
The Millsian competitive advantage includes rendering true molecular structures providing precise bonding characteristics, spatial and temporal charge distributions, and energies of every electron in every bond and bonding atom, facilitating the identification of biologically active sites in drugs; and facilitating drug design. The Company believes that this represents a major breakthrough in material science that has the potential to impact nearly all businesses involved in drug development and chemistry.